The Black Hack 2e: The Fool

Short one today - a goofy broken class for all of your campaign-ruining needs. I've been occasionally running an open table Barrowmaze game for my friends (mostly 5e players) using a kitbashed Black Hack ruleset. I'm going to speak more on this campaign in another post, because our struggles and successes are actually kind of revealing regarding clashing play cultures and the potential for crossover, I think. I picked TBH for a few reasons - the mechanics were broadly familiar to people whose main experience with RPGs was 5e. The conversion was also really simple, which was one of the things I was most worried about when prepping the game. And finally, it was modular, and that made it very easy to add and remove bits so I could experiment with customizing the game. I'm usually really shy about pulling apart systems, and I wanted to nip that in the bud. (Again, more on the results of my efforts in a future post). One of the bits I was most excited about hacking was classes....