The Cyclopean Organ: I Haven't Had Time to do Layout Yet Edition (TM)

This is just a quick heads-up that I've released a single-doc version of my Cyclopean Organ funnel project that I blogged through over the last couple of months. I haven't had time to fancy it up layout-wise, or to pass off an art brief to my talented fiancé, but I will be doing so over the next few weeks and hopefully have a thing of beauty by the end of September.

If you'd like to support the Organ Beautification Project (or would just like to support my blogging endeavors), you're welcome to throw a couple of bucks at my itch page. You're also well within your rights to grab the thing for free. More than anything I'd love to hear from folks that give it a try - my limited playtesting has been a ball but I could always use more data. There have been some minor corrections and tweaks since I've blogged out all of the bits of this thing, but it's largely just a compiled version of the individual posts that made up the adventure.

As always, thanks for reading! More of the Usual Thing coming soon.


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